Inspiration: Work by set/costume designer Tanit Mendes (d. 2012).
Techniques and materials: Felt, silk, lace, yarn, ink
Free standing: 12 inches x 10 inches
Inspiration: As a child, a 3D picture of a fairy house had me endlessly making up stories. I hope this will help you make some too.
Techniques and materials: The background is wet felted from wool and silk fibres. The mushrooms are needle felted and have a 3D effect.
Mounted in an embroidery hoop: 4.5 inches x 4.5 inches
Inspiration: I think some fairies live in this little mushroom house. They come out at night to do all your mending and hemming while you sleep.
Techniques and materials: This needle felted pincushion sits in a vintage silver-plate cream pitcher. It’s decorated with acrylic flower beads and colourful pins.
Free standing: 5.5 inches x 7 inches
Inspiration: Who would prefer a purple mushroom house? Gnome or fairy? Whoever lives here dances around the swirly lawn when nobody is looking.
Techniques and materials: This needle felted pincushion sits in a vintage silver-plate sugar bowl. It’s decorated with acrylic flower beads and colourful pins.
Free standing: 6 inches x 6.5 inches
Inspiration: Creating comforting summer scenes are my go-to to escape these challenging times. It’s hard to consider this piece ‘finished’. I just want to keep going.
Techniques and materials: Needle felted wool, hand stitched cotton and silk thread, wire, wood and glass
Free standing: 9 inches x 7 inches x 9 inches
Inspiration: Time spent in the garden literally flies. This play on words has “time-flies” positioned around a clock with dragonflies at 10 minutes to 2.
Techniques and materials: The background is wet felted from wool fibres, with needle felting, embroidery, and stitching on the top layer.
Mounted in an embroidery hoop: 12.25 inches x 12.25 inches
Inspiration: The roots (mycelium) of a seemingly insignificant little brown mushroom facilitate the connection, communication and even sharing of nutrients, between trees in the forest.
Techniques and materials: The background is wet felted from wool, silk and banana silk fibres. The trees and mushrooms are needle felted.
Mounted on canvas.: 14 inches x 11 inches
Inspiration: A tribute to the military family. Military members (poppy) are supported and made stronger by their families (dandelion).
Techniques and materials: The poppy is wet felted from wool & silk. The seeds of the dandelion are made from silk set into a wool centre.
Free standing: 7 inches x 12 inches x 4.5 inches
Inspiration: Dandelions represent the strength and resilience of military children. The scattered seeds represent the bonds and friendships that develop with each family posting.
Techniques and materials: The seeds are made from 100% silk, set into a needle felted wool core. The stem is wet felted onto wire.
Free standing: 4.5 inches x 10.5 inches x 4.5 inches
Inspiration: The dandelion seeds blowing in the wind represent the friendships military children form with each family posting. The yellow flowers represent their ability to flourish anywhere.
Techniques and materials: The dandelion seeds are handmade from silk fibres set into a wool core. The wool background is wet felted with needle felted flower details.
Mounted on canvas: 12 inches x 12 inches
Inspiration: I seem to have an overwhelming desire to go live in the forest where it’s quiet and peaceful. Who knows what creatures I’ll meet?
Techniques and materials: The background is wet felted from wool and silk fibres. The mushrooms are needle felted and have a 3D effect.
Mounted in an embroidery hoop: 5.5 inches x 5.5 inches
Inspiration: Small felt heart serves as a 3-D canvas for needle-felted hearts of many colours and sizes. The world needs lots of love right now.
Techniques and materials: Needle Felting Materials: wool felt heart and wool rovings, antique brass findings and 27 inch chain.
Free standing: 1.5 inches x 2 inches
Inspiration: The large poppies represent the serving members of our military and the smaller buds represent military children who grow up and answer the call of duty.
Techniques and materials: This picture was created by blending wool fibres with silk and ‘painting’ them onto a background of natural linen and pressing under glass.
Framed: 9 inches x 11 inches
Inspiration: This piece was created as a whimsical addition to your sewing room. Lovely to look at, use and play with!
Techniques and materials: The needle felted wool pincushion sits in a china teacup. The wool sheep, trees and acrylic flowers are on pins so they can be moved around.
Free standing: 5 inches x 7.7 inches x 5 inches
Inspiration: This figurine captures the shy, nervousness of a young ballerina just before her first ballet recital.
Techniques and materials: Needle felted with wool and silk on a wire armature. The ballerina’s hair and bodice are adorned with glass seed beads.
Free standing: 5.5 inches x 8 inches x 5 inches
Inspiration: I wonder what’s cooking inside these little cottages in the forest and I wonder who lives inside.
Techniques and materials: The background is wet felted from wool and silk fibres. The mushrooms are needle felted and have a 3D effect.
Mounted in an embroidery hoop: 4.25 inches x 4.25 inches